Friday, May 15, 2009


.... that I am most proud of in my life :

Being one of two organisers for a two-day mini-music event in Ballarat, to raise money for the Victorian Bushfire Appeal. Such a massive task, and I probably took on far too much, but it all worked out in the end - with a lot of help from others. And we raised a lot of money, which was the main point.

Getting up to the fourth issue of Thaw Magazine... from a basic idea between a few friends, to an actual, real, printed magazine - that actually sells copies - this is one project that I don't care at all about the money, it's all about how wonderful a project it is that I have put together, with Rohan and Kim - and a lot of contributers. Go to the Thaw website on the side of this page for more info, or if you want to contribute - we're always after creative people from Ballarat!

My wonderful family, and the awesome relationship that I have with them. I am very blessed and totally lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sophie..

    Glad to see another talented Rat local making some beautiful stuff..Like your blog...Thanks for including me on yours...keepa bloggin'

    Schmookie (aka Sylvia)
