What colour/s do you have far too much of?
Black for sure. I just can't seem to stay away from it, and while I was working hospitality and at the Art Gallery so much, it was versatile enough to wear pretty much all the time. I still can't stay away from a little black dress purchase.
What colour/s do you wish you had more of?
I'd love a red coat at the moment. Some more electric blue, perhaps (my favourite colour), and more cute floral prints.
What was the last thrifted thing you purchased?
Haven't been for a little while, possibly my new bag, pure leather and in perfect condition, from the Church oppy in Dana St.
Oh, and I managed to find a cream perfect length trench, complete with tags with original pricing of over $200, great buttons and fully lined... for only $5 from the Vinnies in Bridge Mall.
The last store purchase?
A pair of $2 earrings from Diva today. Wood and with a nice flower pattern, too cute and cheap to pass up!
The last swap?
Haven't done that in a while... my best mate and I swapped tops a little while back.
Do you buy clothes only when you have spare money, or do you put yourself into night terror debt to own the clothes you love?
A bit of both, really. Sometimes can't resist the impulse buy, but not working much at the moment makes me think about my purchases a bit more! I'm lucky enough though to not ever really spend too much on clothes, so when I do splurge, it doesn't hurt the bank balance as much.
What's you favorite colour combination?
Black and black, ha. I'm a fan of neutrals (creams, pinks, greys) with black at the moment. Oh, and navy and white is a classic.
A colour combination you'd never wear?
Orange and Red. With my colour hair, I'd end up looking so ranga people would have to wear sunglasses to shield their eyes from me.
Name five pieces of clothing in your wardrobe you wouldn't be without.
Black tights, Navy jeans, Winter boots, Converse high-tops and my black-any-occasion dress.
Name five pieces you've made it your mission in life to own.
A pair of black skinny leg jeans that make my legs look amazing, a red duffle coat, a classic white starchy shirt (actually on a mission at the moment to find one of these... any suggestions?), perfect tuxedo jacket and a white wedding dress made to perfection ;-) hehe.
hahaha.. so true! avoid red and orange it's a rangas worst nightmare!
ReplyDeleteIt seems we all own too much black!
That trench sounds fantastic!